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Three must-have books for learning Russian

Seated woman smiling as she reads a Russian book

Learning a new language can be an exciting and rewarding adventure. If Russian is the language you want to master, reading books dedicated to learning it can be an excellent strategy. Here are three must-read books to guide you on your journey to mastery.


"Russian for Dummies" by Andrew Kaufman and Serafima Gettys

The title may sound casual, but don't let it fool you - "Russian for Dummies "is a comprehensive guide aimed at absolute beginners. The authors, Kaufman and Gettys, skilfully combine learning grammar, vocabulary and common expressions with Russian cultural elements. The book offers practical exercises and tips to make learning easier, making the Russian language accessible to even the most novice learners.


"Russian in 90 lessons and 90 days" by E. S. Kurbatov

This book is ideal for those looking for an intensive Russian learning program. Structured in 90 lessons, this manual offers a systematic approach to acquiring solid language skills in a relatively short space of time. Lessons cover grammar, vocabulary and conversation practice. The included exercises help reinforce the knowledge acquired, making this book a wise choice for those ready to commit fully to their learning.


"Russian Stories: ADual-Language Book" by Gleb Struve

For a deeper immersion in the Russian language, and if you have a good level of English, you could opt for "Russian Stories: A Dual-Language Book". This collection of short stories offers a unique approach by presenting Russian and English texts side by side, facilitating comprehension and learning. You'll immerse yourself in captivating stories while improving your language skills.


In conclusion, whether you're a novice or looking to perfect your Russian skills, these three books offer different approaches to finding the one that best suits your learning style. Feel free to explore them and make them part of your learning routine, as they are invaluable companions in your quest to master the beautiful Russian language. Счастливого чтения и обучения! (Happy reading and happy learning!).

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