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50 essential words to talk about Covid in English

Corona virus disease 2019

New expressions linked to the coronavirus

"Take good care of yourself": Whether between colleagues, with our customers, on internal poster campaigns or with our service providers, the phrase has invaded all our exchanges.

The coronavirus crisis has had a major impact on our professional world and our social interactions. New words and expressions have appeared in all our e-mails, text messages, telephone conversations and conference calls.

How do you choose the right terms in today's context? How do you say "take good care of yourself" in English? How do you translate "confinement" into English, or "respect barrier gestures" in an internal procedure or email?

At Monceau Langues, we understand your linguistic needs. That's why we've put together a list of the 50 terms most commonly used to talk about the virus or its consequences: a real time-saver when writing your e-mails or preparing your conference calls!

And above all, stay safe and healthy*!

Your COVID glossary in English

  1. Hand sanitiser - hydroalcoholic gel, hand sanitizer
  2. Glove
  3. Mask - a mask
  4. Face shield - a protective visor
  5. Insulation - insulation
  6. Self isolation
  7. Social distancing - the social safety distance
  8. Barrier Gesture - Les gestes barrières
  9. Wash your hands regularly - Se laver les mains régulièrement
  10. Saying hello without shaking hands - Se dire bonjour sans se serrer la main
  11. Keeping a safe social distance - Garder une distance de sécurité avec les autres
  12. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  13. Cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue
  14. Use disposable tissue and throw it away after use - utiliser un mouchoir à usage unique et le jeter après usage
  15. Wear a mask - Porter un masque
  16. Health crisis - une crise sanitaire
  17. Disease - une maladie
  18. Epidemic - une épidémie
  19. Pandemic - a pandemic
  20. Public health - la santé publique
  21. Epicenter - an epicenter
  22. Incubation period
  23. Contagion - contagion
  24. Propagation - propagation, diffusion
  25. Compromised immune system - un système immunitaire compromis
  26. For a not determined duration - pour une durée indéterminée
  27. Lockdown - total containment
  28. Quarantine
  29. A risk area - une zone à risque
  30. curfew - a curfew
  31. Forbidden - forbidden
  32. Gathering
  33. Certificate
  34. Individual physical exercise
  35. Buying essential items - l'achat de produits de première nécessité
  36. Death Rate
  37. Intensive Care
  38. Resuscitation
  39. Ventilator - a respirator
  40. Recovery - the cure
  41. Vaccine - a vaccine
  42. Diagnostic test - a diagnostic test
  43. Screening test
  44. Swab - one sample
  45. Carrier - one carrier
  46. Vulnerable people - une personne fragile
  47. Elderly person - une personne âgée
  48. Ehpad (Etablissement d'hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes) - nursing home
  49. Respiratory disease - une maladie respiratoire
  50. *Stay safe and healthy - Take care of yourself!

To go further in English?

By now, you've got most of the vocabulary you'll need to survive this crisis.
And if you'd like to take advantage of this time to work more on your professional English, don't forget that you can mobilize your CPF for distance learning language courses - in groups or individually.

Our trainers have been using distance learning for over 6 months now, and all our customers are very satisfied. Courses by zoom, skype, whereby, teams, all online platforms are possible! Contact us for more information.

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